
Saturday, September 27, 2008

There Are No Coincidences!!!!

Hello to my good friends at Microskills and welcome to other dear readers as well...

As we have discussed together in our Self Employment Training Group where we gather to discuss our new business ideas and support each other to advance toward our respective goals... "We create our own destinies." "Everything happens for a reason." "There are no coincidences." To some these words are platitudes and to others among us who are in the process of joining the ranks of those who intend to do great things to make our world even better than it already is, these words are so evidently meaningful and inspiring, it's mindbending and life-transforming.

I had the very good fortune this evening to accompany my husband to his 20th anniversary high school reunion. I met some amazing people, as I knew I would. What I mean is, I knew I would because I went there tonight having a deep desire and a will to meet amazing people. I didn't go there just wondering if I might meet some interesting people. That would have been very different. As we all know, if I hadn't had the specific intention and the deep desire, my actions and results would have been very different.

I decided to start by introducing myself to a woman named Sheela. Sheela was from Kenya and explained to me that she had come to Canada as the result of her involvement with an organization called Save the Children. As my cohorts at Microskills know from my rantings, I have a passion to find a way to help an organization called Free the Children. As we shared a common interest in the cause of improving the living standards for children around the world, we struck up a lively conversation. We were soon joined by another wonderful woman, Narmin, who was also from Kenya. "It's a small world after all..." (platitude or mindbending truism?)

It turned out that Narmin and her husband, Karim, have been doing some work to help Free the Children. Well...of course I was riveted to hear more about what these amazing people do. It turns out they have a graphics company brilliatly named eighty20. We've talked in our group about wanting to move from the eighty to the 20 and the razor's edge difference in what we might do or not do to make that difference in our lives. Karim has just written a book called Keep Any Promise. It's in the self-development genre, which those who know me, know is my passion. I was all the more hooked and intrigued to hear more. When I got home I immediately checked out the website and it's very exciting stuff. Please check it out for yourself as well: It's right up the "goal-setting-positive-thinking-follow-your-dreams-attitude" style of thinking we all are embracing as we are all engaged in the business set-up process. It was my honour and good fortune to have the opportunity to meet and get to know these incredible people.

That wasn't all though. Because I was on a mission to meet riveting people, and I mentioned that I am working on a children's story that I intend to develop as an educational video program, Karim pointed me in the direction of another amazing person who was present at the event. I got to meet Rob, who recently started up a video production company called Lightstream Pictures. What an awesome experience. I met the man, shook his hand, was in awe of the accomplishments he could recount, and am of course exhilirated with the hope that I might share one of my ideas for a children's educational series to create the project of my dreams. Please also check out this website: I spoke directly to the man. He showed interest in what I had to say and suggested that I get in touch to follow up on whether his company might consider my project. Can this be real???!!!

I hope that all of you reading also have recent awesome stories of experiences to recount about steps toward your goals or are about to have stories of awesome experiences to recount about steps toward your goals. With Kathy, our brilliant and charismatic leader, having had the good sense to encourage us to speak of a noble cause we would like to support, we are all the more aware of our own personal reasons for needing to succeed. If we can just take the actions we need to take to get closer to our goals, we are at least that much closer to contributing to the noble causes that inspire us to want to do the great things that exist as ideas in our minds. Once the seed of the idea germinates, we have to fertilize it and help it grow into the reality it is meant to be. At very least, my eyes and my heart and my will are more open to the opportunities as a result of taking a little step out of my comfort zone when I decided to introduce myself to Sheela tonight. "There are no coincidences!" (Platitude or mind-bending life-changing truism -- pssst, it's what we make it.)

Thank you dear readers for indulging me with your interest and attention. There are so many more wonderful things happening than I can't dare to write about them all here. It's time for the writer and the readers to focus on specific actions that will advance us toward our goals. Please do share your stories to inspire and energize others. The little boost someone gets from hearing your good news could be the razor's edge difference they need.

Ardently yours,


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