
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Children Are Our Richest Resource For The Future

Good day to you dear readers,

Thanks to a lovely friend that has recently entered into my circle and offered her encouragement and enlightenment on what is good in the world today. Thank you to my lovely new friend, Veronica for sharing her copy of "Daily Word for Women", and to writers Colleen Zuck, Janice Wright, and Elaine Meyer for compiling inspiring the inspiring words. I hope they will not mind me sharing an exceptionally beautiful passage from their work, in hopes the message will reach more children to help them to understand how precious they are. We are not all so well gifted with words as as some others are. For those of us who cannot find the words to express our sentiments of admiration, faith and adoration for our children, perhaps we can borrow the following and take some time at the end of the day to let them know:

You are precious to Me. You always have been and always will be. I love you and will always love you. My creation of you did not stop when you were born into this world. You were not finished then, nor are you finished now. You have far to go. But if you grow weary, remember that I am with you and I will carry you. You have so much to discover! May you find joy in each thought that connects you consciously with My life within you. May you discover wisdom with each feeling that brings you a clearer understanding of your own spiritual identity. Each time you face a challenge with faith, you help to light up the world with sacred awareness. And what a light of hope you are! So my beloved, let the light of My spirit within you shine as you continue to learn and grow, to hope and trust. Yes, I am with you -- always.

Perhaps we can borrow from these words as well to know and accept how precious we are to our Father and to inspire ourselves to love one another and to do all that we can to help one another and to make the gift of this World we share as wonderful as it can be. Let's find something we can do today to be helpful to someone else, so that they too can feel as precious as they are and in turn help another.

Thank you to all who are out there touching on my life and on the lives of others so that we can all understand our purpose and ultimately fulfill it.

Ardently yours,


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