
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

End of Month Boost

Hello all,

Happy end of month! Hope when you look back on it you can see clearly what significant steps you have taken to advance toward your objectives and that you are all set to embrace the challenges of further advancement in the days and months ahead.

Looking back on your accomplishments will give you the boost you need to move ahead. Remember to recognize the benefits of setbacks you may have encountered. What might appear to be an error or mistake, is really a learning opportunity in disguise. If you made a choice that ended up costing you money or time, ensure you learn all you can from it and think of what you might otherwise consider a loss, as an investment in your lifelong learning initiative. It is only a loss if you do not take the initiative to improve your situation from the experience. Shifting your frame of mind can give you an invaluable energy boost to keep you focused on progressing toward your goals and dreams.

To persevere and progress, we need to nurture our psyche, our soul, and we have to nourish the body we host them in. One of the "mistakes" many of us make is to forget to nourish our bodies properly. Let's learn from our past and promise ourselves to treat our bodies better in the future. What we put into our host bodies is an important ingredient in the recipe for success. We do ourselves a tremendous favour by putting good energy into our bodies so that good energy can come out. I had the joy today of indulging in some good energy in and I thought I would share a recipe from our good friend Amina. Just reading this can make your body start to feel better. Imagine the benefits to your psyche and soul if you feed this good energy into your body. Amina has graciously agreed to share this recipe to give us all a boost. Please try it and share your comments and compliments.



Fresh food is real medicine.
Feel that healing energy.

Immune Boosting Soup

Shop for fresh, preferably organic…

Buy these fresh ingredients
Choose organic, make sure the food is fresh
Know the source of your food, if you cut the vegetables and you see any different colour than vegetable throughout the whole thing, don’t bother cutting out the bad part. The whole vegetable is spoiled and contains bad energy.
I believe food is energy. By that I mean natural energy we need to function. If the fruit that you are eating is spoiled or has bad energy, that will affect your energy level. You will be wondering, why am I feeling bad, not realizing that the bad energy in the food you have eaten is the cause.

One piece of chicken breast
¼ cup vinegar
½ - 1 teaspoon chilly powder
4 cups of water
1/2 cayenne peppers
4 garlic cloves / peeled/ chopped
1 onion
1 lemon
1 cup of celery
2 cups of carrots
1 teaspoon of oregano
1 teaspoon of thyme

Start by cutting up the chicken in to bite-size pieces. Let it soak in vinegar and chilly powder, for 20 min.
Put it in the frying pan with some canola oil. Make sure the oil is getting hot. You should hear sizzling noise when you add the chicken. Cook the chicken on medium for ten min. Keep turning the chicken in the pan. At this point you can turn up the heat to make your chicken nice and golden until it is ready. The best way to tell the chicken is ready is to put fork in the chicken You will see clear juice com out of the chicken.
That is sign the chicken is done.
If you like salt, you can add it and you can add small amounts (pinch to ½ tsp.) of herbs such as cumin and coriander. Yummy!! It’s time to serve and enjoy! Eat plenty until you feel better. Rice or corn complement nicely.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

There Are No Coincidences!!!!

Hello to my good friends at Microskills and welcome to other dear readers as well...

As we have discussed together in our Self Employment Training Group where we gather to discuss our new business ideas and support each other to advance toward our respective goals... "We create our own destinies." "Everything happens for a reason." "There are no coincidences." To some these words are platitudes and to others among us who are in the process of joining the ranks of those who intend to do great things to make our world even better than it already is, these words are so evidently meaningful and inspiring, it's mindbending and life-transforming.

I had the very good fortune this evening to accompany my husband to his 20th anniversary high school reunion. I met some amazing people, as I knew I would. What I mean is, I knew I would because I went there tonight having a deep desire and a will to meet amazing people. I didn't go there just wondering if I might meet some interesting people. That would have been very different. As we all know, if I hadn't had the specific intention and the deep desire, my actions and results would have been very different.

I decided to start by introducing myself to a woman named Sheela. Sheela was from Kenya and explained to me that she had come to Canada as the result of her involvement with an organization called Save the Children. As my cohorts at Microskills know from my rantings, I have a passion to find a way to help an organization called Free the Children. As we shared a common interest in the cause of improving the living standards for children around the world, we struck up a lively conversation. We were soon joined by another wonderful woman, Narmin, who was also from Kenya. "It's a small world after all..." (platitude or mindbending truism?)

It turned out that Narmin and her husband, Karim, have been doing some work to help Free the Children. Well...of course I was riveted to hear more about what these amazing people do. It turns out they have a graphics company brilliatly named eighty20. We've talked in our group about wanting to move from the eighty to the 20 and the razor's edge difference in what we might do or not do to make that difference in our lives. Karim has just written a book called Keep Any Promise. It's in the self-development genre, which those who know me, know is my passion. I was all the more hooked and intrigued to hear more. When I got home I immediately checked out the website and it's very exciting stuff. Please check it out for yourself as well: It's right up the "goal-setting-positive-thinking-follow-your-dreams-attitude" style of thinking we all are embracing as we are all engaged in the business set-up process. It was my honour and good fortune to have the opportunity to meet and get to know these incredible people.

That wasn't all though. Because I was on a mission to meet riveting people, and I mentioned that I am working on a children's story that I intend to develop as an educational video program, Karim pointed me in the direction of another amazing person who was present at the event. I got to meet Rob, who recently started up a video production company called Lightstream Pictures. What an awesome experience. I met the man, shook his hand, was in awe of the accomplishments he could recount, and am of course exhilirated with the hope that I might share one of my ideas for a children's educational series to create the project of my dreams. Please also check out this website: I spoke directly to the man. He showed interest in what I had to say and suggested that I get in touch to follow up on whether his company might consider my project. Can this be real???!!!

I hope that all of you reading also have recent awesome stories of experiences to recount about steps toward your goals or are about to have stories of awesome experiences to recount about steps toward your goals. With Kathy, our brilliant and charismatic leader, having had the good sense to encourage us to speak of a noble cause we would like to support, we are all the more aware of our own personal reasons for needing to succeed. If we can just take the actions we need to take to get closer to our goals, we are at least that much closer to contributing to the noble causes that inspire us to want to do the great things that exist as ideas in our minds. Once the seed of the idea germinates, we have to fertilize it and help it grow into the reality it is meant to be. At very least, my eyes and my heart and my will are more open to the opportunities as a result of taking a little step out of my comfort zone when I decided to introduce myself to Sheela tonight. "There are no coincidences!" (Platitude or mind-bending life-changing truism -- pssst, it's what we make it.)

Thank you dear readers for indulging me with your interest and attention. There are so many more wonderful things happening than I can't dare to write about them all here. It's time for the writer and the readers to focus on specific actions that will advance us toward our goals. Please do share your stories to inspire and energize others. The little boost someone gets from hearing your good news could be the razor's edge difference they need.

Ardently yours,


Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Children Are Our Richest Resource For The Future

Good day to you dear readers,

Thanks to a lovely friend that has recently entered into my circle and offered her encouragement and enlightenment on what is good in the world today. Thank you to my lovely new friend, Veronica for sharing her copy of "Daily Word for Women", and to writers Colleen Zuck, Janice Wright, and Elaine Meyer for compiling inspiring the inspiring words. I hope they will not mind me sharing an exceptionally beautiful passage from their work, in hopes the message will reach more children to help them to understand how precious they are. We are not all so well gifted with words as as some others are. For those of us who cannot find the words to express our sentiments of admiration, faith and adoration for our children, perhaps we can borrow the following and take some time at the end of the day to let them know:

You are precious to Me. You always have been and always will be. I love you and will always love you. My creation of you did not stop when you were born into this world. You were not finished then, nor are you finished now. You have far to go. But if you grow weary, remember that I am with you and I will carry you. You have so much to discover! May you find joy in each thought that connects you consciously with My life within you. May you discover wisdom with each feeling that brings you a clearer understanding of your own spiritual identity. Each time you face a challenge with faith, you help to light up the world with sacred awareness. And what a light of hope you are! So my beloved, let the light of My spirit within you shine as you continue to learn and grow, to hope and trust. Yes, I am with you -- always.

Perhaps we can borrow from these words as well to know and accept how precious we are to our Father and to inspire ourselves to love one another and to do all that we can to help one another and to make the gift of this World we share as wonderful as it can be. Let's find something we can do today to be helpful to someone else, so that they too can feel as precious as they are and in turn help another.

Thank you to all who are out there touching on my life and on the lives of others so that we can all understand our purpose and ultimately fulfill it.

Ardently yours,


Friday, September 19, 2008

Making the World a Happier Place One Person at a Time -- Start with Ourselves

Wow!!! What a week it's been on the journey of lifelong learning. Hope we've all managed to know some items of the "to do" list and feel good about the what we've accomplished and super positive about what to do next.

I stumbled on some formidable quotes today to help us get some perspective on what we have to do to transform the world from as good as it already is, the even better place we envision it to be.

But where was I to start? The world is so vast. I shall start with the country I know best, my own. But my country is so very large. I had better start with my town. But my town, too, is large. I had best start with my street. No: my home. No: my family. Never mind, I shall start with myself.-- Elie Wiesel

I always wondered why somebody didn't do something about that, then I realized I was somebody.-- Lily Tomlin

Beautiful! Let's make the world a happier place by first being happier with where we are and what we are doing. We must figure out our purpose and work steadily and continuously toward the vision we conjure in our mind's eye. Let's do it.

Today I had the very good fortune to be graced with the presence of some of the truest friends a person could ever hope for. Beverley, Mariana and Vivian gave me a gentle reminder of how lovely it is to give of your time and efforts to help uplift the spirit's of a friend to encourage perseverence in the pursuit of what is right. May those who give me showered with the abundance they deserve.

I have had the good fortune to learn so much and to gain so much inspiration from the people who surround me. As the realization dawns on me more and more vividly day after day, I am about to burst with gratitude for all the potential we all have to help ourselves by helping others. What a feeling!!

Ardently yours,


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wednesday -- What a Great Day!!!

I was thinking about this oh so inspiring quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson today and just was bursting to share it with others. I love it so much and the whole concept these words so aptly capture, are so riveting and inspiring I want to help everybody have them indellibly inscribed in their conscience...

"It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself." Ralph Waldo Emerson

Let's make sure to help ourselves today by doing at least one specific and deliberate gesture to help someone in need.

Ardently yours,


Monday, September 15, 2008

Thank God it's Monday

Hello all,

It's a fabulous Monday...

To my fellow participants in the SET Program at Microskills, this is a big week. Let's get our Business Plans in ship shape for Thursday - or at least on their way to ship shape.

What an incredible opportunity this if for us to help each other and to learn from each other and to support each other and to be thankful for the chance to benefit from this program.

I'm so grateful to have this opportunity to learn from the expertise of Kathy and Christy and to get to know all of you and share in your passion and enthusiasm while we trailblaze our way along our paths to success.

I found another great source of inspiration that I thought I would share in hopes that you will find it helpful as well... This one is a lot of fun.

Please visit the site if you need a boost: It's amazing what a little boost can do to help renew your enthusiasm and passion to follow your dreams. Also, it's uncanny (that's one of my grandmother's words) how accurately the little notes for the day you can receive from this site will seem to uniquely suit your personal situation. Mike Dooley, the founder of this site is one of the gurus of positive thinking who is featured in the Secret, for those of you who have had the chance to see the video. For those of you who haven't seen it yet, please let me know if you're interested. While I'm on the subject, and relentlessly promoting potential sources of inspiration, here's a link to that site as well:

For any of you who would like to look up the meaning of my grandmother's word, here's another link I hope will be helpful: Last but not least, for my fellow SETers, here's the link to the site we need to complete our assignments for tomorrow:

Take care.

Ardently yours,


Friday, September 12, 2008

Why Wait To Be Great?

There is so much more we are all capable of than what we do. We think and talk about what grand things we will do one day to help the world. We think we have to reach some mystical milestone in our career or education path before we can begin to offer that help to make a real difference in the lives of others. If our ultimate objective is to help others, we can start right now with those who are by our sides. We can't see the forest for the trees sometimes. I have caught myself recently saying "I wish I could help with your youth group, but I just don't have the time." The irony is, I was thinking I didn't have time because I was so busy working on setting up my business because I want to raise enough money to help children all over the world. It suddenly dawned on me that I had stumbled on an opportunity to help children right here in the world. Funny how the universe hands us exactly what we want. I figured out that helping with a youth group for an hour a week doesn't mean that I have to abandon the cause to help children in other parts of the world as well, when I reach that mystical milestone. It just means that I can start right now to help others do great things right now instead of waiting until later to do great things later. It's win win win!!! If ultimately what we want is a better world with more happiness for everyone, the best thing is to start right now with what we can do right now.

I have found some astoundingly well crafted words of wisdom and inspiration to share with you for today. I hope these quotes will strike a chord with you to help set you on the path to making all your magnificent dreams come true by taking a specific and measurable step today and to continue doing that each and every day.

For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life.
But there was always some obstacle in the way,
Something to be gotten through first,
some unfinished business,
time still to be served,
or a debt to be paid.
Then life would begin.
At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.
-- Alfred D Souza

Understanding Happiness

We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren't old enough and we'll be more content when they are. After that, we're frustrated that we have teenagers to deal with. We will certainly be happy when they are out of that stage. We tell ourselves that our life will be complete when our spouse gets his or her act together, when we get a nicer car, are able to go on a nice vacation, when we retire. The truth is, there's no better time to be happy than right now. If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with challenges. It's best to admit this to yourself and decide to be happy anyway. So, treasure every moment that you have and treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time...and remember that time waits for no one. So, stop waiting until you finish school, until you go back to school, until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until fall, until winter, until you are off welfare, until the first or fifteenth, until your song comes on, until you've had a drink, until you've sobered up, until you die, until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy."
-- Author Unknown

If what we want to do is help others, then let's do that. We have no time to waste to cite off all the reasons we can't help. Why wait to be great? There's a Youth Group program called
Think 2wice that runs from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Prayer Palace at Finch and 400 in Toronto on Friday nights. Does anyone have time to help? If you can help, please let us know and we'll get you hooked up with the particulars. If you're not free Fridays from 8 to 9, hopefully there's something else you can do that will help others and make you feel maaarvellous at the same time. One person at a time, we can make everyone in the world a whole lot happier. Each one of us can start with ourselves.

Ardently yours,


Thursday, September 11, 2008


I read a passage yesterday in Bob Proctor's book "You Were Born Rich." It seemed to me to be strikingly appropriate to share it today in remembrance of the heroes who lost their lives, their livelihoods or their loved ones in the tragedy on this date seven years ago, September 11, 2001...

I hope that Mr. Proctor will not mind me sharing his inspiring thought as follows:

"All things are merely manifestations of energy and Spirit. When the world comes to understand this great truth, we will be aware that all people are the same; they only appear to be different. The true dividing lines for mankind are not borders, color or language, but simply ignorance and its polar opposite, understanding." -- Bob Proctor, You Were Born Rich (from chapter 8, The Law of Vibration and Attraction)

To give more meaning and purpose to the sacrifices on this date that are indellibly inscribed in our beings, we must remember to make it our mission to understand "this great truth" and to make it the reality in this World we all share.

Ardently yours,


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Step it Up!

Hello all,

I found these three exceptionally motivating quotes for all of us who are forging new paths with passionate hope for positive changes in our World...

I had to share!

Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt. Release the fear. Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hang onto the past is holding you back from a new life. What is it you would let go of today? -Mary Manin Morrissey

Instead of worrying about what people say of you, why not spend time trying to accomplish something they will admire. -Dale Carnegie

The vision must be followed by the venture.
It is not enough to stare up the steps - we must step up the stairs.”
- Vance Havner

If we all help each other to move ahead, what can possibly hold us back? Let's go!!!

Ardently yours,


Monday, September 8, 2008



I'm Kathleen. Thank you for joining my blog. It is my sincere hope to be able to help to inspire you to be as great as you can be. "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely help another without helping himself." (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

We're starting up a new web-based distributorship for educational and self-development material and we're calling ourselves Commuteducation. Our dream is to reach our potential to help others reach theirs. The goal of Commuteducation is to make good use of commute and travel time for adults and children everywhere. We want to help you to find educational and self-development material in video or audio format to set you on the path from self-discovery to achievement, success and happiness. We are all on a journey of lifelong learning and we want to help you to make the most of your "drive-through education" options to help you transform what could be stressful commute time into an oasis of personal development opportunity that is securely cemented into your everyday habits and schedule.

For the greater good of all, we want to incorporate a mission to raise awareness for the Free the Children Organization to help eliminate child labour worldwide. Our vision is to contribute largely to the noble efforts of the Free the Children organization, in concert with our aim to encourage self-development on an individual basis so that the end result is greater fulfilment of potential for all and advancement toward harmony in this World we all share. Toward that end, it is our pleasure to have the good fortune to inspire and motivate our readers with daily notes of spiritual encouragement and words of wisdom from other like-minded achievers, high fliers, go-getters, hard workers, doers, self-starters and innovators from the past and the present, to ensure the promise of our future is as good as it gets.

Ardently yours,

Kathleen Betts