
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Good News Toronto -- Good News Everywhere

Hello Dear Readers,

Just a quick note today to remind all that the December edition of Good News Toronto came out on December 2. You can see it on-line at

There are some awesome articles and inspiring stories that you don't want to miss. When you savour every delightful morsel of inspiration to be gleaned from its pages, you'll feel empowered to handle all the news that comes your way for this day and any day.

In reality, there is a lot of great news and good stuff happening in our city and in our lives every day. Sometimes we just have to pay more attention to it to appreciate it and to resist the temptation to get bogged down in the negativity, that given its due is just as much in our reality.

The editor of Good News Toronto, Eva Karpati, aims to level the lopsided playing field where all forms of media meet in a an all out competition of one-up-manship for the most sensationalistic story they can present. While it's true that the gory details of the sensationalism are based mostly in fact, we can choose to simply accept that there are some bad things happening while we focus our attention on the glory of the good things that are also happening. Then we can engage in the one-up-manship of recounting a tale of "something even more wonderful" that happened or even better, we can actually contribute our efforts on making something even more wonderful happen for ourselves or for others.

Good News Toronto includes a regular feature called Random Acts of Kindness. When you have the good fortune to witness such an act, please do report it to, and share the exhiliration with others who would love to know about it.

The October issue of Good News Toronto featured an article on a charitable organization called Basketeers. Please visit their website to learn more about the great things they are doing: The December issue of Good News Toronto includes a short update to applaud the organization on their achievement of providing 912 baskets overflowing with useful items for women leaving shelters to set up on their own. Wow!!! When you think about it, there really are so many great people out there doing great things. When you read about it in Good News Toronto, you want to become a part of it and share in the good will toward others and the sense of accomplishment and gratification you get from helping others. One of my favorite inspiring thoughts comes from the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson in his quote: "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."

When I Googled a few words to find the exact wording of that quote, I stumbled on this site: When something looks too good to be true, it's worth looking at. Hope you'll enjoy the inspiration. There's so much good stuff, it's overwhelming. Share the good news. Let us all know about something even better that happened to you or to someone you know or someone you know of. The playing field is levelling. Game on!!!



1 comment:

  1. Eva is going to be on CP24 today at noon. Please watch and phone in to let others know how much you love to be inspired by the good news stories of our everyday heroes.

    Thank you thank you thank you thank you,



Please share your over-the-top story or comments and words of inspiration for others.